Nanotech Chemical Brothers
SILME-Foam 20
€ 0,- € 0,- Excl. tax
This additive for textile silicone ensures that the silicone expands when heated. Puff silicone offers a unique three-dimensional look to your textile designs by swelling and creating a puffy print. Perfect for eye-catching designs.

Nano Tech Chemical Brothers was established in 1995, in the city of Ludhiana, state of Punjab, India. We began with trading of textile chemicals, with main customers being big names like Vardhman and Winsome. It all began with just 4 people team led by our founder Vishal Vinayak.
The year was 2003 when the company took its first major step towards expansion to manufacture textile processing aides and brand Nano Tech Chemical Brothers was created.Next 10 years were focussed on building blocks of the future which fructified in 2015 with the commencement of manufacturing of silicone colourants under the brand Csilment in India in scientific collaboration with European Research Consultancy.
Keeping in mind the future needs and to harness structural and operational synergies due to expansion in business today we have 4 specialised divisions, which cater to
• Textile Processing Aides
• Garment Printing Inks
• Personal Care Ingredients
• Industrial Rubber Products