Remasil 50 Aluminosilicate Refractory Flour & Sand
- Increased hot strength
- Robust and resilient
- Easy knockout
- Increased strength when compared to Fused Silica systems
In the case of stucco grains, the custom grinding of REMASIL results in a more uniform product which has a narrow range of particle sizes and a minimum amount of fines (dust). Reduced fines improve both permeability and intercoat adhesion. Whilst the powder grains can offer the user a greater level of flexibility, through its offering in two separate cuts, allowing a foundryman to choose the specific grade that best suits their needs.
EN - Product information Remasil.pdf
EN - Product information Remasil 40_50_60 grainsize and chemistry.pdf
EN - Safety data sheet Remasil 50 (All Grades) English.pdf